Cooking Lesson- Using vinegar in a sauce

Using vinegar in a sauce, or in anything for that matter, is an old chef’s trick for bringing out flavors. That is because the acid in vinegar makes your taste buds stand up and pay attention. So if you are cooking anything, especially with fruit or vegetables, and it tastes bland, try adding a dash of vinegar or citrus juice. Improving the flavor of everything you eat is key when you are restricting your diet.
Health Benefit
Cooked tomato is a good source of the antioxidant lycopene, which is more easily absorbed by the body when combined with fat, such as the peanut oil in the recipes.
The key to staying on a diet is being satisfied both in terms of feeling full and of not being bored by the same old flavors. Rosemary is a great secret weapon against “dinner boredom,” it complements a host of other foods. It is such a strong flavor, you can overdo it with rosemary, so easy does it. Try rosemary with chicken, lamb, and olives.