Steamed Broccoli

- 1 pound broccoli or other vegetable
- Salt
- Fresh lemon juice, soy sauce, melted butter, or extra virgin olive oil
This is a technique that will work for most vegetables.
- Trim the broccoli as necessary (the thick stems should be peeled with a vegetable peeler or paring knife to make them less tough). Cut into equal size pieces. Steam over boiling water (or boil in salted water to cover) until tender and bright green, usually less than 10 minutes.
- Drain if necessary, sprinkle with salt, and drizzle with any liquid seasoning you choose (including melted butter if you like). Or run under cold water and refrigerate. To reheat, put a little olive oil or butter in a pan over medium heat and turn the vegetable in it until hot; season to taste and serve.